1 coger
v.1 to take.coger a alguien de la mano to take somebody by the handcoge esta bolsa un momento hold this bag a moment¿puedes coger el teléfono, por favor? could you pick the phone up o answer the phone, please?Ella cogió una rama She caught a branch.Ella cogió impulso para despegar She took impulse to lift off.2 to catch (atrapar) (ladrón, pez, pájaro).¿a que no me coges? bet you can't catch me!Ella cogió un ratón con su ratonera She caught a mouse with her mousetrap.Ella cogió una enfermedad contagiosa She caught a contagious disease.3 to catch up with (alcanzar) (persona, vehículo).4 to pick up (recoger) (objeto caído).se me ha caído el bolígrafo, ¿me lo puedes coger? I've dropped my pen, could you pick it up for me?5 to take (quedarse con) (propina, empleo, piso).llegaremos pronto para coger buen sitio we'll get there early to get a good seat6 to take on (contratar) (personal).7 to take.¿quién me ha cogido el lápiz? who's taken my pencil?te he cogido la calculadora un momento I've just borrowed your calculator for a moment8 to take, to catch.no me gusta coger el avión I don't like flying9 to catch, to get (contraer) (gripe, resfriado).coger una borrachera to get drunkcoger frío to get cold10 to start to feel (sentir) (manía, odio, afecto).coger cariño/miedo a to become fond/scared of11 to knock over, to run over.12 to catch.no cogió el chiste he didn't get the joke13 to get, to receive (sintonizar) (canal, emisora).14 to cover, to take up (abarcar) (espacio).15 to screw, to fuck. ( Latin American Spanish)16 to be.coge muy cerca de aquí it's not very far from here17 to catch on, to understand, to catch.Ella cogió la conversación She caught on the conversation.18 to have.Nos cogió un acceso de tos We had a coughing fit.* * *1 (asir) to seize, take hold of2 (apresar) to capture, catch3 (tomar) to take4 (contratar) to take on5 (tren etc) to catch6 (tomar prestado) to borrow7 (recolectar frutos etc) to pick; (del suelo) to gather8 (enfermedad, balón) to catch9 (acento, costumbres) to pick up10 (velocidad, fuerza) to gather11 (atropellar) to run over, knock down12 (emisora, canal) to pick up, get13 (notas) to take, take down14 (oír) to catch15 (entender) to understand, get16 ESPAÑOL AMERICANO tabú to fuck1 (plantas, colores) to take2 (ir) to turn, take, go1 (pillarse) to catch2 (agarrarse) to hold on\coger algo por los pelos figurado to just make somethingcoger del brazo a alguien to take somebody by the arm, grab somebody by the armcoger cariño a algo/alguien to become fond of something/somebody, take a liking to something/somebodycoger desprevenido,-a figurado to catch unawarescoger miedo a algo to become afraid of somethingcoger por sorpresa to catch by surprisecoger puntos (de media etc) to pick up stitchescoger una borrachera familiar to get drunkcoger una manía a alguien familiar to take a dislike to somebodycoger y... familiar to up and..., go and...cogerse un cabreo familiar to get very angryno hay por dónde cogerlo he hasn't got a leg to stand on* * *verb1) to take2) seize3) catch4) gather5) pick* * *Para las expresiones coger desprevenido, coger in fraganti, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO TRANSITIVO1) (=con la mano)a) (=tomar) to take¿puedo coger este? — can I take this one?
coger a algn de la [mano] — to take sb by the handir cogidos de la mano — to walk along holding hands {o} hand in hand
b) (=levantar) to pick upcoge al niño, que está llorando — pick up the baby, he's crying
c) [con fuerza] to graspd) (=sostener) to hold2) (=escoger) to pickcoge el que más te guste — take {o} pick the one you like best
3) [+ flor, fruta] to pick4) (=quitar) [gen] to take; (=pedir prestado) to borrow¿quién ha cogido el periódico? — who's taken the newspaper?
¿te puedo coger el bolígrafo? — can I borrow your pen?
te he cogido la regla — I've borrowed your ruler, I've pinched your ruler *
5) (=apuntar) to take (down)6) esp Esp (=conseguir) to get¿nos coges dos entradas? — would you get us two tickets?
coger [hora] para el dentista/en la peluquería — to make an appointment to see {o} with the dentist/at the hairdresser's7) (=adquirir)a) [+ enfermedad] to catchel niño cogió sarampión — the child got {o} caught measles
coger [frío] — to get cold•
ha cogido una [insolación] — she's got sunstrokeb) [+ costumbre, hábito] to get into; [+ acento] to pick upc) [+ fuerzas] to gather; [+ velocidad] to gather, pick up8) (=atrapar)a) esp Esp [+ persona, pez, balón] to catch¡coge la pelota! — catch the ball!
¡por fin te he cogido! — caught you at last!
d) (Mil) to take prisoner, capturehan cogido a quince soldados — fifteen soldiers have been taken prisoner {o} have been captured
9) esp Esp (=sorprender) to catchcoger a algn en una mentira — to catch sb lying, catch sb in a lie
la guerra nos cogió en Francia — the war found {o} caught us in France
antes que nos coja la noche — before night overtakes us {o} comes down on us
10) (=empezar a sentir)•
coger [aversión] a algo — to take a strong dislike to sth•
coger [cariño] a algn — to grow {o} become fond of sb, become attached to sb•
coger [celos] de algn — to become jealous of sb11) (=tomarse) to take¿vas a coger fiesta mañana? — are you going to take tomorrow off?, are you going to take the day off tomorrow?
12) (=entender) [+ sentido, giro] to get¿no has cogido el chiste? — don't you get the joke?
13) esp Esp (=aceptar) [+ empleados, trabajo] to take on; [+ alumnos] to take in; [+ pacientes] [en hospital] to take in; [en consultorio] to take on14) (=alquilar) to take, rentcogimos un apartamento — we took {o} rented an apartment
15) (=viajar en) [+ tren, avión, autobús] to takevamos a coger el tren — let's take {o} get the train
16) (=ir por) to take17) (=recibir) [+ emisora, canal] to pick up, getcon esta radio cogemos Radio Praga — we can pick up {o} get Radio Prague on this set
18) (=retener) [+ polvo] to gather, collectesta moqueta coge mucho polvo — this carpet gathers {o} collects a lot of dust
los perros cogen pulgas — dogs get {o} catch fleas
19) (=aprender) to pick up20) (=incorporarse a)2. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) (=estar) to be¿coge muy lejos de aquí? — is it very far from here?
2) (=ir)•
coger [por], cogió por esta calle — he went down this street3) Esp * (=caber) to fitaquí no coge — there's no room for it here, it doesn't fit (in) here
4) [planta] to take6)- cogió y se fue3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1) (esp Esp)a) ( tomar) to takecoge un folleto — pick up o take a leaflet
esto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo — (fam) I just don't know where to start with this
b) ( quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to takec) <flores/fruta> to pick; < levantar> to pick upcoger a alguien en autostop — (Esp) to pick up a hitchhiker
no cogen el teléfono — (Esp) they're not answering the phone
2) (esp Esp) (alcanzar, atrapar)a) <ladrón/terrorista> to catchb) < pelota> to catchc) <pescado/liebre> to catchd) toro to gore3) (esp Esp)a) ( descubrir) to catchlo cogieron in fraganti/robando — he was caught red-handed/stealing
b) ( encontrar) to catch4)a) <tren/autobús/taxi> to catch, takeb) <calle/camino> to take5) (Esp fam)a) (sacar, obtener) <billete/entrada> to getb) ( traer)vete a coger el coche — go and get o bring the car
c) ( ocupar)coge la vez en la cola — take your turn in the line (AmE) o (BrE) queue
6) (Esp)a) ( aceptar) <dinero/trabajo/casa> to takeb) ( admitir) to takec) ( atender)7) (esp Esp) ( adquirir)a) < enfermedad> to catch; < insolación> to getcogí una borrachera — I got plastered (colloq)
b) <polvo/suciedad> to collect, gathercoger algo de color — ( broncearse) to get a bit of color
cogerla con alguien — to take it out on somebody
cogerla por hacer algo — (Ven fam) to take to doing something
8) (esp Esp) ( captar)a) <sentido/significado> to getb) < emisora> to pick up, get9) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)2.coger vi1) (esp Esp) planta to take; tinte/permanente to take2)a) (esp Esp)cojo/cogió y... — (fam)
si empiezas con eso cojo y me voy — if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o (AmE) I'm taking off (colloq)
b) (esp Esp) ( por un camino)coge por esta calle y... — take this street and...
c) (Esp fam) ( caber) to fit3) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)3.cogerse v pron (esp Esp)a) (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold onb) (recípr)* * *= pick up, seize, take, trap, brace, catch, grab, pick, entrap, hop on, pull from, pull off, reach out, grasp.Ex. Then these suggestion can be picked up by the editor, and communicated to the author.Ex. A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.Ex. If we take Cindi, Albert will almost surely grieve.Ex. If the borrower being processed has been set to be trapped, DOBIS/LIBIS displays the message: 'You have trapped a borrower'.Ex. The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.Ex. 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.Ex. If we move fast, we can grab the space for the library.Ex. The network itself is assumed to be unreliable; any portion of the network could disappear at any moment ( pick your favorite catastrophe -- these days backhoes cutting cables are more of a threat than bombs).Ex. Librarians have been known to devote time to entrap and arrest individuals who use the library toilets for sexual purposes = Hay casos de bibliotecarios que han dedicado tiempo a atrapar y detener a individuos que utilizan los servicios de la biblioteca con fines sexuales.Ex. The article ' Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.Ex. The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.Ex. One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.Ex. The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.Ex. A mouse is commonly moved or lifted from its cage by grasping the base of the tail.----* coger a Alguien con las manos en la masa = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien desprevenido = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger a Alguien in fraganti = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien por sorpresa = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger cariño a = grow + fond of.* coger con chinchetas = thumbtack.* coger de la mano = hold + Posesivo + hand.* coger desprevenido = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawares.* coger el avión = jet off.* coger el toro por los cuernos = seize + the bull by the horns, take + the bull by the horns, grasp + the nettle, face + Posesivo + fears.* coger la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.* coger las tetas = breast grabbing.* cogerle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.* cogerle el truco a Algo = get + the hang of.* coger miedo = scare + Reflexivo.* coger peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.* coger por sorpresa = come as + a great surprise, catch out, blindside, take + Nombre + unawares.* coger rápidamente = snatch up.* cogerse = snag.* cogerse de la mano = hold + hands.* cogerse la mano = join + hands.* coger una indirecta = take + a hint, get + a hint.* coger un enfriamiento = catch + a chill.* coger un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).* coger un taxi = take + a taxi.* extender la mano para coger algo = hand + reach for.* intentar coger = reach for.* no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.* no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.* * *1.verbo transitivo1) (esp Esp)a) ( tomar) to takecoge un folleto — pick up o take a leaflet
esto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo — (fam) I just don't know where to start with this
b) ( quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to takec) <flores/fruta> to pick; < levantar> to pick upcoger a alguien en autostop — (Esp) to pick up a hitchhiker
no cogen el teléfono — (Esp) they're not answering the phone
2) (esp Esp) (alcanzar, atrapar)a) <ladrón/terrorista> to catchb) < pelota> to catchc) <pescado/liebre> to catchd) toro to gore3) (esp Esp)a) ( descubrir) to catchlo cogieron in fraganti/robando — he was caught red-handed/stealing
b) ( encontrar) to catch4)a) <tren/autobús/taxi> to catch, takeb) <calle/camino> to take5) (Esp fam)a) (sacar, obtener) <billete/entrada> to getb) ( traer)vete a coger el coche — go and get o bring the car
c) ( ocupar)coge la vez en la cola — take your turn in the line (AmE) o (BrE) queue
6) (Esp)a) ( aceptar) <dinero/trabajo/casa> to takeb) ( admitir) to takec) ( atender)7) (esp Esp) ( adquirir)a) < enfermedad> to catch; < insolación> to getcogí una borrachera — I got plastered (colloq)
b) <polvo/suciedad> to collect, gathercoger algo de color — ( broncearse) to get a bit of color
cogerla con alguien — to take it out on somebody
cogerla por hacer algo — (Ven fam) to take to doing something
8) (esp Esp) ( captar)a) <sentido/significado> to getb) < emisora> to pick up, get9) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)2.coger vi1) (esp Esp) planta to take; tinte/permanente to take2)a) (esp Esp)cojo/cogió y... — (fam)
si empiezas con eso cojo y me voy — if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o (AmE) I'm taking off (colloq)
b) (esp Esp) ( por un camino)coge por esta calle y... — take this street and...
c) (Esp fam) ( caber) to fit3) (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)3.cogerse v pron (esp Esp)a) (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold onb) (recípr)* * *= pick up, seize, take, trap, brace, catch, grab, pick, entrap, hop on, pull from, pull off, reach out, grasp.Ex: Then these suggestion can be picked up by the editor, and communicated to the author.
Ex: A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.Ex: If we take Cindi, Albert will almost surely grieve.Ex: If the borrower being processed has been set to be trapped, DOBIS/LIBIS displays the message: 'You have trapped a borrower'.Ex: The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.Ex: 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.Ex: If we move fast, we can grab the space for the library.Ex: The network itself is assumed to be unreliable; any portion of the network could disappear at any moment ( pick your favorite catastrophe -- these days backhoes cutting cables are more of a threat than bombs).Ex: Librarians have been known to devote time to entrap and arrest individuals who use the library toilets for sexual purposes = Hay casos de bibliotecarios que han dedicado tiempo a atrapar y detener a individuos que utilizan los servicios de la biblioteca con fines sexuales.Ex: The article ' Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.Ex: The data is pulled directly from all the bibliographic data bases on DIALOG that have a JN field.Ex: One of its main advantages is the potential to pull off descriptive entries onto disc to create annotated booklists.Ex: The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.Ex: A mouse is commonly moved or lifted from its cage by grasping the base of the tail.* coger a Alguien con las manos en la masa = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien desprevenido = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger a Alguien in fraganti = catch + Nombre + red-handed, catch + Nombre + in the act.* coger a Alguien por sorpresa = catch + Nombre + off-guard, catch + Nombre + napping, catch + Nombre + flat-footed.* coger cariño a = grow + fond of.* coger con chinchetas = thumbtack.* coger de la mano = hold + Posesivo + hand.* coger desprevenido = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawares.* coger el avión = jet off.* coger el toro por los cuernos = seize + the bull by the horns, take + the bull by the horns, grasp + the nettle, face + Posesivo + fears.* coger la mano = take + Posesivo + hand.* coger las tetas = breast grabbing.* cogerle el gusto a = acquire + a taste for, develop + a taste for.* cogerle el truco a Algo = get + the hang of.* coger miedo = scare + Reflexivo.* coger peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.* coger por sorpresa = come as + a great surprise, catch out, blindside, take + Nombre + unawares.* coger rápidamente = snatch up.* cogerse = snag.* cogerse de la mano = hold + hands.* cogerse la mano = join + hands.* coger una indirecta = take + a hint, get + a hint.* coger un enfriamiento = catch + a chill.* coger un resfriado de muerte = catch + Posesivo + death (of cold).* coger un taxi = take + a taxi.* extender la mano para coger algo = hand + reach for.* intentar coger = reach for.* no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.* no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.* * *coger [E6 ]vtA1 (tomar) to takecoge lo que quieras take what you likea la salida coge un folleto pick up o take a leaflet on the way outlo cogió del brazo she took him by the armno ha cogido una brocha en su vida she's never used o picked up a paintbrush in her lifeesto no hay or no tiene por donde cogerlo ( fam); I just don't know where to start with this, I can't make head or tail of this ( colloq)2 (quitar) (+ me/te/le etc) to takesiempre me está cogiendo los lápices she's always taking my pencils3 (recoger) to pick up; ‹flores/moras/uvas› to pickcoge esa revista del suelo pick that magazine up off the floor¿quién ha cogido el dinero que dejé aquí? who's taken the money I left here?cogió sus cosas y se largó she got her things together o picked up her things and leftcoger los puntos pick up the stitchescogió al niño en brazos she picked the child up in her armsno cogen el teléfono they're not answering the phoneB (alcanzar, atrapar)1 ( esp Esp) ‹ladrón/terrorista› to catchcomo te coja, ya verás you'll be sorry if I catch you2 ‹pelota› to catch3 ‹pescado› to catch; ‹liebres/faisanes› to catch, bag4 ( esp Esp) «toro» to gore; «coche» to knock … downC1 ( esp Esp) (descubrir) to catchlo cogieron in fraganti/robando he was caught red-handed/stealinglos cogieron con 100 gramos de cocaína they were caught with 100 grams of cocaine2 (encontrar) ( esp Esp) to catchno quiero que me coja la noche en la carretera I don't want to be driving when it gets darkla noticia nos cogió en París we were in Paris when we got the newsme cogió de buenas/malas she caught me in a good/bad moodnos cogió desprevenidos it took us by surprise, it caught us unawaresD1 ‹tren/autobús/taxi› to catch, takeno me apetece coger el coche I don't feel like taking the carhace años que no cojo un coche I haven't driven for years2 ‹calle/camino› to takecoge la primera a la derecha take the first rightEtengo que coger hora para ir al médico I have to make an appointment to see the doctor2(ocupar): ve pronto y coge sitio get there early and save a placecogió la delantera he took the lead1 ‹dinero/propina› to take2 ‹trabajo/casa› to takecogió una casa en las afueras she took a house in the outskirtsno puedo coger más clases I can't take on any more classes3( Esp) (admitir, atender): ya no cogen más niños en ese colegio they're not taking any more children at that school nowestuvimos haciendo autostop durante horas hasta que nos cogieron we were hitching for hours before someone picked us upno pudieron cogerme en la peluquería, they couldn't fit me in at the hairdresser'sentrevistó a cinco personas, pero no cogió a ninguno she interviewed five people, but she didn't give the job to any of them o she didn't take any of them on1 ‹enfermedad› to catch; ‹insolación› to getvas a coger frío you'll catch cold2 ‹borrachera/berrinche›cogí una borrachera I got plastered ( colloq)cogió un berrinche she had a temper tantrum3 ‹polvo/suciedad› to collect, gathercon dos días en la playa ya cojo algo de color it only takes me a couple of days on the beach to start to tan o to get a bit of colorlos tejidos sintéticos no cogen bien el tinte synthetic fabrics don't dye well4 ‹costumbre/vicio/acento› to pick up; ‹ritmo› to get intole cogí cariño I got quite fond of himsi le gritas te va a coger manía if you shout at him he'll take against youcogerla con algn to take it out on sbC (captar)1 ‹sentido/significado› to getno cogió el chiste/la indirecta he didn't get the joke/take the hint2 ‹emisora› to pick up, get3 ‹programa/frase› to catchcogí el programa por la mitad I only caught the second half of the program4 ‹apuntes/notas› to takele cogió las medidas para el vestido she measured her o took her measurements for the dress■ cogerviA1 «planta» to take2 «tinte/permanente» to takeel tinte no cogió the dye didn't takeB1coge/cogió y … ( fam): si empiezas con ese tema cojo y me voy if you're going to start talking about that, I'm off o ( AmE) I'm taking off ( colloq)de repente cogió y se fue suddenly he upped and went ( colloq)cogió y se puso a llorar she (suddenly) burst into tears2(por un camino): cogieron por el camino más corto they took the shortest routecoge por esta calle go down this street■ cogerse1 (agarrarse, sujetarse) to hold oncógete de la barandilla hold on to the railing2 ( recípr):iban cogidos de la mano they were walking along hand in hand* * *
coger ( conjugate coger) verbo transitivo
1 (esp Esp)
coge un folleto pick up o take a leaflet
no cogen el teléfono (Esp) they're not answering the phone
2 ( atrapar) (esp Esp)
4 (Esp fam)
coger sitio to save a place
5 (esp Esp) ( adquirir)
‹ insolación› to get;
‹costumbre/vicio› to pick up;
6 (esp Esp) ( captar)
7 (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
verbo intransitivo
1 (esp Esp) [ planta] to take;
[tinte/permanente] to take
2 (Méx, RPl, Ven vulg) to screw (vulg), to fuck (vulg)
cogerse verbo pronominal (esp Esp)
b) ( recípr):
I verbo transitivo
1 to take
(agarrar) to seize: me cogió del brazo, he seized me by the arm
(sostener) to hold: cógeme el bolso un momento, por favor, please hold my bag for a moment
2 (un medio de transporte) to take, catch
(una pelota, un resfriado, a alguien que huye, a alguien haciendo algo) to catch: ¡te cogí!, I caught you!
3 (recoger del suelo) to pick (up)
(una cosecha, flores, ropa tendida) to pick
4 (un hábito) to pick up
(velocidad, impulso) to gather
5 (entender el sentido de algo) to grasp: no lo cojo, I don't understand it
6 (atropellar) to run over, knock down
7 LAm vulgar to fuck
II verbo intransitivo familiar
1 (caber) to fit
2 (para indicar inicio de acción) cogió y se puso a cantar, he went and started singing
♦ Locuciones: ¡Dios me/te/le... coja confesado!, Lord help us!
no hay por donde cogerlo, awful, third-rate
' coger' also found in these entries:
- acostumbrada
- acostumbrado
- agarrar
- alcanzar
- anillo
- atajo
- baja
- banda
- calle
- camino
- debajo
- despechugada
- despechugado
- desprevenida
- desprevenido
- embalarse
- empuñar
- enfriarse
- horizontal
- ligar
- mona
- prestar
- separarse
- soler
- sorprender
- sujetar
- timón
- tomar
- toro
- turca
- volante
- carrerilla
- catarro
- frío
- mano
- perra
- sorpresa
- tren
- trompa
- bend
- bypass
- catch
- catch out
- catch up
- cotton
- end
- entrap
- gather
- get
- go down with
- hold
- hook
- hop
- lasso
- luckily
- nail
- observe
- opt
- pants
- pick
- pluck
- reach
- red-handed
- stick
- take
- take to
- tape
- train
- trip up
- umbrella
- unawares
- answer
- fuck
- hint
- knack
- latch
- nab
- prisoner
- red
- surprise
- up
* * *coger Although the word coger is accepted in educated use throughout Latin America, in many places its principal meaning is the taboo sense indicated at 21. For this reason it tends to be avoided in other contexts, and is usually replaced by agarrar.♦ vt1. [tomar, agarrar] to take;coger a alguien de la mano to take sb by the hand;pasear cogidos de la mano to walk hand in hand;coger a alguien en brazos to take sb in one's arms;coge la tetera por el asa take o hold the teapot by the handle;coge esta bolsa un momento hold this bag a moment;¿puedes coger el teléfono, por favor? could you pick the phone up o answer the phone, please?;Faméste no ha cogido un libro en su vida he's never picked up a book in his life;Famno haber por dónde cogerlo: esta película no hay por dónde cogerla I couldn't make head or tail of this movie o Br film;tu hermano es muy raro, no hay por dónde cogerlo your brother's very strange, it's hard to know what to make of him;se sabe todas las respuestas, no hay por dónde cogerlo he knows all the answers, it's impossible to catch him out2. [quitar] to take;coger algo a alguien to take sth from sb;¿quién me ha cogido el lápiz? who's taken my pencil?;te he cogido la calculadora un momento I've just borrowed your calculator for a moment3. [recoger] [objeto caído] to pick up;[frutos, flores] to pick;se me ha caído el bolígrafo, ¿me lo puedes coger? I've dropped my pen, could you pick it up for me?;nos gusta mucho coger setas we really enjoy picking mushrooms o going mushrooming;cogimos a un autoestopista muy simpático we picked up a very friendly hitchhiker4. [atrapar] [ladrón, pez, pájaro, pelota] to catch;¿a que no me coges? bet you can't catch me!;Fam¡si te cojo, te la cargas! if I catch you, you'll be in for it!coger a alguien desprevenido to take sb by surprise;coger a alguien in fraganti to catch sb red-handed o in the act;la tormenta me cogió cerca de casa the storm broke when I was nearly home;el terremoto nos cogió en la capital the earthquake happened while we were in the capital;lo cogí de buen humor I caught him in a good mood6. [alcanzar] [persona, vehículo] to catch up with;aceleró para coger al corredor que llevaba delante she ran faster to try and catch up with the runner in front of her;cogió la delantera tras la segunda vuelta she went into o took the lead after the second lap7. [tren, autobús] to take, to catch;no me gusta coger el avión I don't like flying;prefiero coger el coche I'd rather drive8. [sacar, obtener] to get;he cogido hora con el dentista I've made an appointment with the dentist;¿has cogido las entradas? have you got the tickets?9. [quedarse con] [propina, empleo, apartamento] to take;ha cogido un trabajo de mecanógrafo he has taken a job as a typist;llegaremos pronto para coger buen sitio we'll get there early to get a good seat;están tan ocupados que ya no cogen más encargos they're so busy they've stopped taking on o accepting orders10. [contratar, admitir] [personal] to take on;hemos cogido a una secretaria nueva we've taken on a new secretary;el colegio ya no coge más alumnos para este curso the school has stopped taking pupils for this year11. [contraer] [gripe, resfriado] to catch, to get;coger frío to get cold;coger una insolación to get sunstroke;coger el sarampión to get o catch (the) measles;coger una borrachera to get drunk;coger un berrinche to throw a tantrum12. [absorber] to absorb, to soak up;este tipo de esponja coge mucha agua this type of sponge absorbs a lot of water;esta mesa coge mucho polvo al lado de la ventana this table gets very dusty o gathers a lot of dust next to the window13. [empezar a sentir] [odio, afecto] to start to feel;coger cariño/miedo a to become fond/scared of14. [adquirir] [costumbre, vicio, acento] to pick up;los hijos cogen los hábitos de los padres children pick up the habits of their parents;ha cogido la costumbre de cantar por las mañanas she has taken to singing in the mornings;Fam Famcogerla con alguien: la ha cogido con nosotros, y no deja de molestarnos she's got it in for us and never leaves us alone15. [sintonizar] [canal, emisora] to get, to receive16. [entender] to get;[oír] to catch;¿coges lo que te digo? do you get o understand what I'm saying to you?;no cogió la indirecta she didn't take the hint;no cogió el chiste he didn't get the joke;cogí su comentario a mitad I only half heard what she said, I only caught half of what she saidcoger velocidad to gather o gain speed18. [sujeto: vehículo] to knock over, to run over;[sujeto: toro] to gore;me cogió un coche, y ando con muletas I was run over o hit by a car, and I'm on crutches now;le cogió un toro he was gored by a bull19. [abarcar] [espacio] to cover, to take up;estas oficinas cogen tres plantas del edificio these offices take up o occupy three floors of the building20. [elegir] to choose;cogió un mal momento para anunciar el resultado she chose a bad moment to announce the resultcoger a alguien to screw o fuck sb♦ vi1. [situarse] to be;coge muy cerca de aquí it's not very far from here2. [dirigirse]coger a la derecha/la izquierda to turn right/left;coge por la calle de la iglesia take the church road3. [enraizar] to take;los rosales han cogido the roses have taken4. [contestar al teléfono] to answer;llevo un rato llamando, pero no cogen I've been calling for a while now, but there's no answer o they don't answerde pronto cogió y me insultó he turned round and insulted me;si seguimos así, cojo y me marcho if we carry on like this, I'm offcoger con alguien to screw o fuck sb* * *I v/t2 L.Am. vulgscrew vulg3 ladrón, enfermedad catch4 TRANSP catch, take;coger el tren/bus catch the train/bus5 ( entender) getII v/i2 L.Am. vulgscrew vulg4:coger por la primera a la derecha take the first right* * *coger {15} vt1) : to seize, to take hold of2) : to catch3) : to pick up4) : to gather, to pick5) : to gore* * *coger vb¿quién ha cogido mi libro? who's taken my book?quiero coger el tren de las 10.30 I want to catch the 10.30 train¿a que no me coges? I bet you can't catch me3. (entender) to get4. (fruta, flor) to pick5. (emisora, canal) to pick up6. (tomar prestado) to borrowte cojo el diccionario, ¿vale? I'm just borrowing your dictionary, OK?te llevo a tu casa, me coge de camino I'll take you home, it's on my way -
2 mettre
mettre [mεtʀ]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━➭ TABLE 561. <━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Lorsque mettre s'emploie dans des expressions telles que mettre qch en place, se mettre à table, reportez-vous à l'autre mot.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. ( = placer) to put• où mets-tu tes verres ? where do you keep your glasses?► mettre qch à (+ infinitif)• mettre du linge à sécher (à l'intérieur) to hang washing up to dry ; (à l'extérieur) to hang washing out to dryb. ( = revêtir) to put onc. ( = consacrer) to take• il y a mis le temps ! he's taken his time!• je suis prêt à mettre 500 € I'm willing to give 500 eurosd. ( = faire fonctionner) to put one. ( = installer) [+ eau] to lay on ; [+ placards] to put in ; [+ étagères, rideaux] to put up ; [+ moquette] to layf. ( = supposer) mettons que je me sois trompé let's say I've got it wrong• si un pays, mettons la Norvège, décide... if a country, Norway say, decides...• va te faire mettre ! (vulg!) fuck off! (vulg!)2. <a. ( = se placer) [objet] to go• il y a un bout de métal qui s'est mis dans l'engrenage a piece of metal has got caught in the worksb. ( = s'habiller) se mettre en short to put on a pair of shortsc. ( = s'ajouter) il s'est mis de l'encre sur les doigts he's got ink on his fingersd. ( = se grouper) ils se sont mis à plusieurs pour pousser la voiture several of them joined forces to push the car• se mettre avec qn ( = faire équipe) to team up with sb ; (en ménage) (inf) to move in with sb (inf)e. ( = commencer) to start• qu'est-ce que tu es énervant quand tu t'y mets ! (inf) you can be a real pain once you get started! (inf)► se mettre à + nom• il s'est bien mis à l'anglais he's really taken to English► se mettre à + infinitif• voilà qu'il se met à pleuvoir ! and now it's starting to rain!* * *mɛtʀ
1) (placer dans un endroit, une position) to put2) ( projeter involontairement) to drop [confiture, beurre] ( sur on); to spill [liquide, poudre] ( sur on)3) ( placer sur le corps) to put on [écharpe, fard]4) ( placer dans le corps) to put in5) ( porter habituellement sur le corps) to wear6) (placer dans une situation, un état)7) ( classer)mettre quelque chose avant tout le reste or au-dessus de tout — to put something
8) ( disposer)9) ( faire fonctionner)mettre la radio/les nouvelles — to put the radio/the news on
mets plus/moins fort! — turn it up/down!
10) ( installer) to put in [chauffage, douche, téléphone, placard]; to put up [rideau, lustre, étagère]mettre du carrelage/de la moquette — to lay tiles/a carpet
faire mettre de la moquette — ( dans plusieurs pièces) to have carpets laid
11) ( écrire) to put up [inscription]il met que tout va bien — ( dans une lettre) he says ou writes that everything's fine
mettre au passif/en anglais — to put into the passive/into English
est-ce qu'on met un trait d'union à ‘multinational’? — is there a hyphen in ‘multinational’?
mettez le pronom qui convient — ( remplacez) replace with the appropriate pronoun; ( bouchez les trous) insert the appropriate pronom
13) ( consacrer)14) (investir, dépenser) to put [argent] (dans, sur into)combien pouvez-vous mettre? — ( pour acheter) how much can you afford?; ( pour contribuer) how much can you put in?
mettre un temps fou — (colloq) to take ages (colloq)
16) (colloq) ( vendre)17) ( attribuer) to give [note]18) (colloq) ( dire)mettons dix dollars/à dix heures — let's say ten dollars/at ten
19) (colloq) ( supposer)20) (sl) ( ficher)tu peux te le mettre où je pense or quelque part — you know where you can put it (colloq)
verbe intransitifmettre bas — gén [vache] to calve; [brebis] to lamb; [jument] to foal
se mettre verbe pronominal1) (se placer dans un endroit, une position)se mettre devant la fenêtre — ( debout) to stand in front of the window; ( assis) to sit down in front of the window
2) ( projeter involontairement sur soi) to spill [something] on oneself [liquide, poudre]3) ( placer sur son corps) to put on [veste, fard]4) ( placer dans son corps) to put in5) ( commencer)6) ( tourner)le temps s'est mis au froid/à la pluie — the weather has turned cold/to rain
7) (se placer dans une situation, un état)on va se mettre ensemble — (colloq) ( sous le même toit) we're going to live together
8) ( s'habiller)9) ( se grouper)* * *mɛtʀ vt1) (= placer) to putmettre en sac — to put in bags, to put in sacks
mettre qch à la poste — to post sth Grande-Bretagne to mail sth USA
mettre qn en examen pour qch — to charge Grande-Bretagne sb with sth, to indict USA sb for sth
2) [vêtements] (= revêtir) to put on, (= porter) to wearMets ton gilet. — Put your cardigan on.
Je mets mon manteau et j'arrive. — I'll put on my coat and then I'll be ready.
Je ne mets plus mon manteau. — I no longer wear my coat.
Elle ne met pas souvent de jupe. — She doesn't often wear a skirt.
3) (= faire fonctionner) [chauffage, électricité] to put on, [réveil, minuteur] to setIl fait froid, je vais mettre le chauffage. — It's cold, I'm going to put the heating on.
4) (= installer) [gaz, eau] to put in, to lay onfaire mettre le gaz — to have gas put in, to have gas installed
faire mettre l'électricité — to have electricity put in, to have electricity installed
5) (= consacrer)mettre du temps à faire qch — to take time to do sth, to take time over sth
mettre 2 heures à faire qch — to take 2 hours to do sth, to take 2 hours over sth
Elle met des heures à se préparer. — She takes hours to get ready.
6) (= noter, écrire) to putmettez les mots suivants au pluriel:... — put the following words into the plural:...
7) (= supposer)mettons que... — let's suppose that..., let's say that...
* * *mettre verb table: mettreA vtr1 (placer dans un endroit, une position) to put [chose, partie du corps, personne]; mettre un vase sur la table/des bûches dans la cheminée/le vin au frais to put a vase on the table/logs on the fire/the wine in a cool place; j'ai mis ta voiture au garage I've put your car in the garage for you; mettre les pieds sur la table/les mains sur la tête to put one's feet on the table/one's hands on one's head; mettre les mains en l'air/un timbre à l'envers to put one's hands up/a stamp on upside down; on m'a mis devant/tout au fond they put me at the front/right at the back; je l'ai mise sur ses pieds I put her on her feet; je mets les enfants à la crèche I send the children to a creche; il m'a mis en bas de chez moi he dropped me off outside my door; on m'a mis debout they stood me up; nous l'avons mise à l'hôtel we put her up at the hotel;2 ( projeter involontairement) to drop [solide]; to spill [liquide, poudre]; mettre de la confiture sur le tapis to drop jam on the carpet; mettre de la colle/farine partout to spill glue/flour all over the place;3 ( placer sur le corps) to put on [vêtement, bijou, maquillage, lunettes, préservatif, serviette]; mets ton écharpe put your scarf on; je vais mettre du mascara I'll put some mascara on;4 ( placer dans le corps) to put in [tampon, suppositoire, plombage]; on m'a mis un plombage I had a filling;5 ( porter habituellement sur le corps) to wear [lunettes, type de vêtement, parfum]; dans mon école les garçons mettent des cravates in my school boys wear ties; je ne mets jamais de chapeau I never wear a hat;6 (placer dans une situation, un état) mettre qn dans une situation embarrassante to put sb in an embarrassing situation; mettre qn en colère/en joie to make sb angry/happy; mettre qn en fureur to enrage sb; mettre qn au désespoir to drive sb to despair; mettre qn de bonne/mauvaise humeur to put sb in a good/bad mood; tu me mets hors de moi you infuriate me; mettre qn à la chaîne/à la reliure to put sb on the assembly line/on binding; mettre qn au travail to put sb to work; mettre qn au piano/au latin to start sb on the piano/on Latin; mettre les enfants à regarder la télévision to put the children in front of the television; si vous nous quittez, on mettra quelqu'un d'autre if you leave us, we'll find somebody else; mettre le riz à cuire to put the rice on; mettre le linge à sécher to put the washing out to dry;7 ( classer) mettre la famille avant tout le reste to put one's family first; mettre ses études au-dessus de tout to put one's studies first; je le mets au premier rang de tous les écrivains I rank him the best writer of all;8 ( disposer) mettre les assiettes to put the plates on the table; mettre les verres/la moutarde/un cendrier to put out the glasses/the mustard/an ashtray; mettre les chaises/une autre chaise to bring chairs/another chair; mettre une nappe to put on a tablecloth; je t'ai mis des draps propres I've put clean sheets on for you;9 ( faire fonctionner) mettre la radio/la télévision/le chauffage to put the radio/the television/the heating on; mettre les nouvelles/la deuxième chaîne to put the news/channel 2 on; mettre plus fort to turn up [appareil]; mettre moins fort to turn down [appareil]; mets plus/moins fort! turn it up/down!; mettre les essuie-glaces/les phares to switch on ou put on the windscreen GB ou windshield US wipers/the headlights; mettre le réveil to set the alarm; mettre le verrou to bolt the door; mettre le loquet to latch the door;10 ( installer) to put in [chauffage, douche, téléphone, placard]; to put up [rideau, lustre, étagère]; faire mettre le téléphone to have a telephone put in; je t'ai mis une prise I've put in a socket for you; mettre de la moquette to lay a carpet; faire mettre de la moquette ( dans une pièce) to have a carpet laid; ( dans plusieurs pièces) to have carpets laid; mettre du carrelage to lay tiles;11 ( écrire) to put up [inscription]; ils ont mis des graffiti partout/sur la colonne they've put graffiti everywhere/on the column; il met que tout va bien ( dans une lettre) he says ou writes that everything's fine; qu'est-ce que je dois mettre? what shall I put?; mettre au passif/au singulier to put into the passive/into the singular; mettre en vers to put into verse; je t'ai mis un mot I've left you a note; est-ce qu'on met un trait d'union à ‘multinational’? is there a hyphen in ‘multinational’?; il faut mettre un trait d'union you must put a hyphen in; mettre sa signature sur un document to put one's signature to a document; mettez votre signature ici sign here; mettez le pronom qui convient ( remplacez) replace with the appropriate pronoun; ( bouchez les trous) insert the appropriate pronom; mettre en musique to set to music; mettre en anglais to put into English; mettre son brouillon au propre or au net to write out ou up one 's notes;12 ( ajouter) to add [ingrédient] (dans to); to put [accessoire, élément décoratif]; mettre du sel dans la soupe to put some salt in the soup; mettre un peu de piment dans un récit to add a little spice to a story; mettre une sonnette à son vélo/des pompons à ses pantoufles to put a bell on one's bicycle/pompoms on one's slippers; mettre une radio à sa voiture/une doublure à sa veste to put a radio in one's car/a lining in one's jacket;13 ( consacrer) mettre tout son cœur dans son travail to put one's heart into one's work; y mettre du sien to put oneself into it; mettre toute son énergie à essayer de comprendre to put all one's energy into trying to understand; mettre des moyens importants au service d'une cause to use all possible means to further a cause; mettre de la rigueur dans sa démarche to become more thorough in one's approach;14 (investir, dépenser) to put [argent] (dans, sur into); mettre tout son argent dans son commerce to put all one's money into one's business; j'ai tout mis sur le pétrole I've put everything into oil; il a tout mis sur un cheval/une équipe he's put everything on a horse/a team; combien pouvez-vous mettre? ( pour acheter) how much can you afford?; ( pour contribuer) how much can you put in?;15 ( prendre) [activité] to take [heures, jours, années] (pour faire to do); elle a bien mis une heure it took her easily an hour; mettre un temps fou○ to take ages○;16 ○( vendre) je vous mets des tomates? would you like some tomatoes?; je vous en mets combien? deux, trois? how many would you like? two, three?;17 ○( attribuer) je vous ai mis trois sur vingt I've given you three out of twenty;18 ○( battre) ils nous ont mis trois à zéro they beat us three nil GB ou three to nothing US; je lui ai mis une gifle I gave him/her a slap (across the face); tu veux que je te mette mon poing sur la figure? do you want my fist in your face○?; qu'est-ce qu'il m'a mis! what a thrashing○ he gave me!;20 ○( dire) mettons dix dollars/à dix heures let's say ten dollars/at ten;21 ○( supposer) mettons qu'il vienne, qu'est-ce que vous ferez? supposing ou say he comes, what will you do?;22 ◑( ficher) tu peux te le mettre où je pense or quelque part you know where you can put○ it ou stick◑ it; va te faire mettre get stuffed◑!B vi Vét, Zool mettre bas gén to give birth, to drop; [vache] to calve; [brebis] to lamb; [jument] to foal.C se mettre vpr1 (se placer dans un endroit, une position) se mettre devant la fenêtre ( debout) to stand in front of the window; ( assis) to sit down in front of the window; ( couché) to lie (down) in front of the window; se mettre sur les mains to stand on one's hands; se mettre sur le dos to lie on one's back; se mettre au lit to go to bed; se mettre debout to stand up; se mettre sur ses jambes to get to one's feet; ne plus savoir où se mettre not to know where to put oneself; se mettre les mains sur la tête to put one's hands on one's head; se mettre les doigts dans le nez to pick one's nose; où est-ce que ça se met? where does this go?;2 ( projeter involontairement sur soi) to spill [sth] on oneself [liquide, poudre]; se mettre de la confiture to get jam on oneself; se mettre de la boue sur ses chaussures/de l'encre sur le nez/une poussière dans l'œil to get mud on one's shoes/ink on one's nose/some grit in one's eye; s'en mettre partout to get it all over oneself;3 ( placer sur son corps) to put on [vêtement, bijou, maquillage]; se mettre un foulard/un collier/du rouge à lèvres to put on a scarf/a necklace/lipstick; se mettre de la poudre sur le visage to put some powder on one's face, to powder one's face; je ne sais pas quoi me mettre I don't know what to put on;4 ( placer dans son corps) to put in [suppositoire, tampon];5 ( commencer) se mettre à l'anglais/au tennis to take up English/tennis; se mettre à prendre des somnifères to start taking sleeping pills; ma voiture se met à avoir des problèmes my car is starting to go wrong; il va se mettre à pleuvoir it's going to start raining; il se met à faire froid/du vent it's starting to get cold/windy;6 ( tourner) le temps s'est mis au froid/au beau/à la pluie the weather has turned cold/fine/to rain;7 ( se lancer) elle s'est mise à leur recherche she started looking for them; je me suis mis sur l'affaire I started looking into the case;8 (se placer dans une situation, un état) se mettre en tort to put oneself in the wrong; se mettre dans une situation impossible to get (oneself) into an impossible situation; se mettre dans une sale affaire to get involved in some shady business; je me mets de ton côté I'm on your side; je préfère me mettre bien avec lui I prefer to get on the right side of him; se mettre à l'aise to make oneself comfortable; se mettre en colère to get angry; se mettre nu to take off one's clothes; on va se mettre ensemble○ ( sous le même toit) we're going to live together; il s'est mis avec elle○ ( de son côté) he's on her side; ( sous le même toit) he's moved in with her;9 ( s'habiller) se mettre en tenue d'été to put on summer clothes; se mettre en arlequin to dress up as Harlequin; se mettre en jaune to wear yellow;10 ( se grouper) ce n'est pas la peine de vous (y) mettre à dix there's no need for ten of you; ils s'y sont mis à au moins trente there were at least thirty of them;11 ○( manger) je m'en suis mis un maximum I really stuffed○ myself; s'en mettre plein la panse○ or lampe○ or gueule● to stuff○ oneself; qu'est-ce qu'on s'est mis! we really stuffed○ ourselves!;12 ( se battre) qu'est-ce qu'on s'est mis! we really laid○ into each other![mɛtr] verbe transitif1. [placer] to putmettre sa confiance/tout son espoir en to put one's trust/all one's hopes inmettre quelqu'un dans: mettre quelqu'un dans l'avion/le train to put somebody on the plane/the trainmettre quelqu'un en: mettre un enfant en pension to put a child in a ou to send a child to boarding schoolmettre de l'argent sur son compte to put ou to pay some money into one's accountmettre la main sur le bras de quelqu'un to lay ou to put one's hand on somebody's arm3. [disposer]4. [ajuster] to setmets la sonnerie à 20 h 30 set the alarm for 8:30 p.m5. [établir - dans un état, une situation]mettre quelqu'un au travail to set somebody to work, to get somebody workinga. [perplexité] to put somebody in a predicamentb. [pauvreté] to put somebody in financial difficultymettre du vin en bouteilles to put wine into bottles, to bottle winemettre du linge à sécher to put ou to hang clothes up to drymettre quelque chose à tremper to put something to soak, to soak something6. [fixer] to putmettre une pièce à un pantalon to put a patch on ou to patch a pair of trousers[ajouter] to put7. [se vêtir, se coiffer, se chausser de] to put on (separable)[porter régulièrement] to wearje lui ai mis son manteau/ses gants I put his coat/his gloves on (for him)8. [faire fonctionner - appareil] to turn ou to put ou to switch on (separable)mets de la musique put some music on, play some musicmettre du papier peint/de la moquette dans une pièce to wallpaper/to carpet a room10. [consacrer - temps] to takeelle a mis trois mois à me répondre she took three months ou it took her three months to answer menous y mettrons le temps/le prix qu'il faudra we'll spend as much time/money as we have tomettre de l'argent dans une voiture to put money in ou into a car11. [écrire] to puton met un accent sur le "e" "e" takes an accenton met deux m à "pomme" "pomme" has two m's12. [supposer]et mettons que tu gagnes? suppose ou let's say you win?il faut, mettons, 2 mètres de tissu we need, (let's) say ou shall we say, 2 metres of materialmettons que j'ai mal compris! [acceptation] let's just say I got it wrong!13. [donner] to givele prof m'a mis 18 ≃ the teacher gave me an A14. (familier) [infliger]qu'est-ce qu'il m'a mis au ping-pong! he really hammered me ou he didn't half thrash me at table tennis!je lui ai mis une bonne claque I gave ou landed him a good clout15. (locution)————————se mettre verbe pronominal (emploi passif)1. [dans une position, un endroit - chose] to goles pieds, ça ne se met pas sur la table! tables aren't made to put your feet on!2. [aller - vêtement] to go————————se mettre verbe pronominal intransitif1. [s'installer, s'établir - dans une position]a. [debout] stand near the windowb. [assis] sit near the windowmettez-vous en cercle arrange yourselves into ou form a circle2. [entrer - dans un état, une situation]il s'est mis dans une position difficile he's got ou put himself in a difficult situation3. [s'habiller]4. [s'unir]a. [pour un jeu] to team up with somebodyb. [pour vivre] to move in with somebodyc. [dans une discussion] to side with somebodyon s'est mis par équipes de 6 we split up into ou we formed teams of 6 (people)5. (locution)a. (très familier) [dans un combat, un débat] they're really having a go at each other!b. [en mangeant] they're really getting stuck in!————————se mettre verbe pronominal transitifto put on (separable)se mettre une belle robe/du parfum to put on a nice dress/some perfume————————se mettre à verbe pronominal plus préposition1. [passer à]le temps se met au froid it's getting ou turning cold2. [commencer]se mettre à l'ouvrage to set to work, to get down to worka. [au travail] to get down to itb. [à une activité nouvelle] to have a trysi tu t'y mets aussi, je renonce! if you join in as well, I give up! -
3 get
get [get]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━3. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━a. ( = have, receive, obtain) avoir━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Some get + noun combinations may take a more specific French verb.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• first I need to get a better idea of the situation je dois d'abord me faire une meilleure idée de la situation► have/has got• how many have you got? combien en avez-vous ?• I've got it! ( = have safely) (ça y est) je l'ai !• you're okay, I've got you! ne t'en fais pas, je te tiens !b. ( = find) trouver• it's difficult to get a hotel room in August c'est difficile de trouver une chambre d'hôtel en août• you get different kinds of... on trouve plusieurs sortes de...c. ( = buy) acheter• where do they get their raw materials? où est-ce qu'ils achètent leurs matières premières ?d. ( = fetch, pick up) aller chercher• can you get my coat from the cleaners? est-ce que tu peux aller chercher mon manteau au pressing ?• can I get you a drink? est-ce que je peux vous offrir quelque chose ?e. ( = take) prendref. ( = call in) appelerg. ( = prepare) préparerh. ( = catch) [+ disease, fugitive] attraper ; [+ name, details] comprendre• we'll get them yet! on leur revaudra ça !• he'll get you for that! qu'est-ce que tu vas prendre ! (inf)• you've got it in one! (inf) tu as tout compris !• let me get this right, you're saying that... alors, si je comprends bien, tu dis que...j. ( = answer) can you get the phone? est-ce que tu peux répondre ?• I'll get it! j'y vais !► to get + adjective━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► This construction is often translated by a verb alone. Look up the relevant adjective.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• when do you think you'll get it finished? ( = when will you finish it) quand penses-tu avoir fini ?• you can't get anything done round here ( = do anything) il est impossible de travailler ici► to get sb/sth to do sth━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• to get sth going [+ machine] faire marcher qch► to get sb/sth somewhere• how can we get it home? comment faire pour l'apporter à la maison ?• to get sth upstairs monter qch► to get sb/sth + preposition• to get o.s. into a difficult position se mettre dans une situation délicate• how do you get there? comment fait-on pour y aller ?• can you get there from London by bus? est-ce qu'on peut y aller de Londres en bus ?• what time do you get to Sheffield? à quelle heure arrivez-vous à Sheffield ?► to get + adverb/preposition• how did that box get here? comment cette boîte est-elle arrivée ici ?• what's got into him? qu'est-ce qui lui prend ?• now we're getting somewhere! (inf) enfin du progrès !• how's your thesis going? -- I'm getting there où en es-tu avec ta thèse ? -- ça avance• where did you get to? où étais-tu donc passé ?• where can he have got to? où est-il passé ?• where have you got to? (in book, work) où en êtes-vous ?► to get + adjective━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► This construction is often translated by a verb alone.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━• how stupid can you get? il faut vraiment être stupide !• to get used to sth/to doing s'habituer à qch/à faire► to get + past participle (passive)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Reflexive verbs are used when the sense is not passive.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► to get to + infinitive• students only get to use the library between 2pm and 8pm les étudiants ne peuvent utiliser la bibliothèque qu'entre 14 heures et 20 heures► have got to + infinitive ( = must)• have you got to go and see her? est-ce que vous êtes obligé d'aller la voir ?• you've got to be joking! tu plaisantes !► to get + -ing ( = begin)• I got to thinking that... (inf) je me suis dit que...3. compounds• he's got lots of get-up-and-go il est très dynamique ► get-well card noun carte f de vœux (pour un prompt rétablissement)a. ( = move about) se déplacer• he gets about with a stick/on crutches il marche avec une canne/des béquilles• she gets about quite well despite her handicap elle arrive assez bien à se déplacer malgré son handicapb. ( = travel) voyagerc. [news] circuler• the story had got about that... des rumeurs circulaient selon lesquelles...• it has got about that... le bruit court que...• I don't want it to get about je ne veux pas que ça s'ébruite► get above inseparable transitive verb• to get above o.s. avoir la grosse tête (inf)• you're getting above yourself! pour qui te prends-tu ?► get across[person crossing] traverser ; [meaning, message] passer• the message is getting across that people must... les gens commencent à comprendre qu'il faut...b. ( = manage) se débrouiller• to get along without sth/sb se débrouiller sans qch/qnc. ( = progress) [work] avancer ; [student, invalid] faire des progrèsd. ( = be on good terms) (bien) s'entendre→ get about→ get rounda. [+ object, person, place] atteindreb. [+ facts, truth] découvrirc. ( = suggest) what are you getting at? où voulez-vous en venir ?d. (British) ( = attack) s'en prendre àa. ( = leave) partir• we are not going to be able to get away this year nous n'allons pas pouvoir partir en vacances cette année• get away (with you)! (inf) à d'autres !b. ( = escape) s'échapper• she moved here to get away from the stress of city life elle est venue s'installer ici pour échapper au stress de la vie citadine• he went to the Bahamas to get away from it all il est allé aux Bahamas pour laisser tous ses problèmes derrière lui( = suffer no consequences)• you'll never get away with that! on ne te laissera pas passer ça ! (inf)a. ( = return) revenir• let's get back to why you didn't come yesterday revenons à la question de savoir pourquoi vous n'êtes pas venu hier• can I get back to you on that? (inf) puis-je vous recontacter à ce sujet ? ; (on phone) puis-je vous rappeler à ce sujet ?b. ( = move backwards) reculer• get back! reculez !a. ( = recover) [+ sth lent, sth lost, stolen] récupérer ; [+ strength] reprendre ; [+ one's husband, partner] faire revenirb. ( = return) rendre• I'll get it back to you as soon as I can je vous le rendrai dès que possible► get back at (inf) inseparable transitive verb( = retaliate against) prendre sa revanche sura. ( = pass) passerb. ( = manage) arriver à s'en sortir (inf)• may I get down? (at table) est-ce que je peux sortir de table ?• get down! ( = climb down) descends ! ; ( = lie down) couche-toi !c. ( = make note of) noterd. ( = depress) déprimer• when you get down to it there's not much difference between them en y regardant de plus près il n'y a pas grande différence entre euxa. [person] ( = enter) entrer ; ( = be admitted to university, school) être admis• do you think we'll get in? tu crois qu'on réussira à entrer ?b. ( = arrive) [train, bus, plane] arriverc. ( = be elected) [member] être élu ; [party] accéder au pouvoira. [+ harvest] rentrer• did you get your essay in on time? as-tu rendu ta dissertation à temps ?b. ( = buy) acheterc. ( = fit in) glisser• he managed to get in a game of golf il a réussi à trouver le temps de faire une partie de golf► get into inseparable transitive verba. ( = enter) [+ house, park] entrer dans ; [+ car, train] monter dans• to get into the way of doing sth ( = make a habit of) prendre l'habitude de faire qchb. [+ clothes] mettre• I can't get into these jeans any more je ne peux plus rentrer dans ce jean► get in with inseparable transitive verba. ( = gain favour of) (réussir à) se faire bien voir deb. ( = become friendly with) se mettre à fréquenter• he got in with local drug dealers il s'est mis à fréquenter les trafiquants de drogue du quartier► get off• to get off to a good start [project, discussion] bien partirc. ( = escape) s'en tirerd. ( = leave work) finir ; ( = take time off) se libérera. [+ bus, train] descendre deb. [+ clothes, shoes] enleverc. ( = dispatch) I'll phone you once I've got the children off to school je t'appellerai une fois que les enfants seront partis à l'écoled. ( = save from punishment) faire acquittera. to get off a bus/a bike descendre d'un bus/de vélo• get off the floor! levez-vous !b. ( = be excused) (inf) to get off gym se faire dispenser des cours de gym► get off with (inf) inseparable transitive verb► get onb. ( = advance, make progress) avancer• how are you getting on? comment ça marche ? (inf)• how did you get on? comment ça s'est passé ?c. ( = succeed) réussir• if you want to get on, you must... si tu veux réussir, tu dois...d. ( = agree) s'entendre( = put on) [+ clothes, shoes] mettrea. ( = get in touch with) se mettre en rapport avec ; ( = speak to) parler à ; ( = ring up) téléphoner àb. ( = start talking about) aborder• we got on to (the subject of) money nous avons abordé la question de l'argent► get on with inseparable transitive verba. ( = continue) continuer• while they talked she got on with her work pendant qu'ils parlaient, elle a continué à travaillerb. ( = start on) se mettre à• I'd better get on with the job! il faut que je m'y mette !► get out• get out! sortez !• let's get out of here! sortons d'ici !b. ( = escape) s'échapper (of de)• you'll have to do it, you can't get out of it il faut que tu le fasses, tu ne peux pas y échapper• some people will do anything to get out of paying taxes certaines personnes feraient n'importe quoi pour éviter de payer des impôts• he's trying to get out of going to the funeral il essaie de trouver une excuse pour ne pas aller à l'enterrementc. [news] se répandre ; [secret] être éventé• wait till the news gets out! attends que la nouvelle soit ébruitée !a. ( = bring out) [+ object] sortirb. ( = remove) [+ nail, tooth] arracher ; [+ stain] enleverc. ( = free) [+ person] faire sortirb. ( = recover from) to get over an illness se remettre d'une maladie• I can't get over the fact that... je n'en reviens pas que... + subja. [+ person, animal, vehicle] faire passerb. ( = communicate) faire comprendre ; [+ ideas] communiquer► get over with separable transitive verb( = have done with) en finir• I was glad to get the injections over with j'étais content d'en avoir fini avec ces piqûres► get round= get abouta. [+ obstacle, difficulty, law] contourner• I don't think I'll get round to it before next week je ne pense pas trouver le temps de m'en occuper avant la semaine prochaine► get throughb. ( = be accepted, pass) [candidate] être reçu ; [motion, bill] passer• I phoned you several times but couldn't get through je t'ai appelé plusieurs fois mais je n'ai pas pu t'avoird. ( = communicate with) to get through to sb communiquer avec qna. [+ hole, window] passer par ; [+ hedge] passer à travers ; [+ crowd] se frayer un chemin à traversb. ( = do) [+ work] faire ; [+ book] lire (en entier)• we get through £150 per week nous dépensons 150 livres par semained. ( = survive) how are they going to get through the winter? comment vont-ils passer l'hiver ?• we couldn't get through a day without arguing pas un jour ne se passait sans que nous ne nous disputionsa. [+ person, object] faire passer• to get the message through to sb that... faire comprendre à qn que...• this is the only place where villagers can get together c'est le seul endroit où les gens du village peuvent se réunir[+ people, ideas, money] rassembler ; [+ group] former( = pass underneath) passer par-dessous• to get under a fence/a rope passer sous une barrière/une corde► get up• what time did you get up? à quelle heure t'es-tu levé ?b. (on a chair, on stage) montera. we eventually got the truck up the hill on a finalement réussi à faire monter le camion jusqu'en haut de la côtea. ( = catch up with) rattraperb. ( = reach) arriver à• where did we get up to last week? où en sommes-nous arrivés la semaine dernière ?• do you realize what they've been getting up to? tu sais ce qu'ils ont trouvé le moyen de faire ?• what have you been getting up to lately? qu'est-ce que tu deviens ?* * *Note: This much-used verb has no multi-purpose equivalent in French and therefore is very often translated by choosing a synonym: to get lunch = to prepare lunch = préparer le déjeunerget is used in many idiomatic expressions ( to get something off one's chest etc) and translations will be found in the appropriate entry (chest etc). This is also true of offensive comments ( get lost etc) where the appropriate entry would be lostRemember that when get is used to express the idea that a job is done not by you but by somebody else ( to get a room painted etc) faire is used in French followed by an infinitive ( faire repeindre une pièce etc)When get has the meaning of become and is followed by an adjective (to get rich/drunk etc) devenir is sometimes useful but check the appropriate entry (rich, drunk etc) as a single verb often suffices ( s'enrichir, s'enivrer etc)For examples and further uses of get see the entry below[get] 1.1) ( receive) recevoir [letter, grant]; recevoir, percevoir [salary, pension]; Television, Radio capter [channel]2) ( inherit)to get something from somebody — lit hériter quelque chose de quelqu'un [article, money]; fig tenir quelque chose de quelqu'un [trait, feature]
3) ( obtain) ( by applying) obtenir [permission, divorce, licence]; trouver [job]; ( by contacting) trouver [plumber]; appeler [taxi]; ( by buying) acheter [item] ( from chez); avoir [ticket]to get something for nothing/at a discount — avoir quelque chose gratuitement/avec une réduction
to get somebody something —
to get something for somebody — ( by buying) acheter quelque chose à quelqu'un
4) ( subscribe to) acheter [newspaper]5) ( acquire) se faire [reputation]6) ( achieve) obtenir [grade, mark, answer]he got it right — ( of calculation) il a obtenu le bon résultat; ( of answer) il a répondu juste
7) ( fetch) chercher [object, person, help]to get somebody something —
8) (manoeuvre, move)to get somebody/something upstairs/downstairs — faire monter/descendre quelqu'un/quelque chose
can you get between the truck and the wall? — est-ce que tu peux te glisser entre le camion et le mur?
9) ( help progress)10) ( contact)11) ( deal with)I'll get it — ( of phone) je réponds; ( of doorbell) j'y vais
12) ( prepare) préparer [breakfast, lunch etc]13) ( take hold of) attraper [person] (by par)I've got you, don't worry — je te tiens, ne t'inquiète pas
to get something from ou off — prendre quelque chose sur [shelf, table]
to get something from ou out of — prendre quelque chose dans [drawer, cupboard]
14) (colloq) ( oblige to give)to get something from ou out of somebody — faire sortir quelque chose à quelqu'un [money]; fig obtenir quelque chose de quelqu'un [truth]
15) (colloq) ( catch) gen arrêter [escapee]got you! — gen je t'ai eu!; ( caught in act) vu!
16) Medicine attraper [disease]17) ( use as transport) prendre [bus, train]18) ( have)to have got — avoir [object, money, friend etc]
19) ( start to have)to get (hold of) the idea ou impression that — se mettre dans la tête que
20) ( suffer)21) ( be given as punishment) prendre [five years etc]; avoir [fine]22) ( hit)to get somebody/something with — toucher quelqu'un/quelque chose avec [stone, arrow]
23) (understand, hear) comprendrenow let me get this right... — alors si je comprends bien...
‘where did you hear that?’ - ‘I got it from Paul’ — ‘où est-ce que tu as entendu ça?’ - ‘c'est Paul qui me l'a dit’
24) (colloq) (annoy, affect)what gets me is... — ce qui m'agace c'est que...
25) (learn, learn of)to get to do — (colloq) finir par faire
how did you get to know ou hear of our organization? — comment avez-vous entendu parler de notre organisation?
26) ( have opportunity)to get to do — avoir l'occasion de faire, pouvoir faire
27) ( start)to get to doing — (colloq) commencer à faire
then I got to thinking that... — puis je me suis dit que...
28) ( must)to have got to do — devoir faire [homework, chore]
you've got to realize that... — il faut que tu te rendes compte que...
29) ( persuade)30) ( have somebody do)31) ( cause)2.1) ( become) devenir [suspicious, old]how lucky/stupid can you get! — il y en a qui ont de la chance/qui sont vraiment stupides!
2) ( forming passive)3) ( become involved in)to get into — (colloq) ( as hobby) se mettre à; ( as job) commencer dans; fig
4) ( arrive)how did you get here? — ( by what miracle) comment est-ce que tu es arrivé là?; ( by what means) comment est-ce que tu es venu?
5) ( progress)6) (colloq) ( put on)to get into — mettre, enfiler (colloq) [pyjamas, overalls]
•Phrasal Verbs:- get at- get away- get back- get by- get down- get in- get into- get off- get on- get onto- get out- get over- get up••get along with you! — (colloq) ne sois pas ridicule!
get away with you! — (colloq) arrête de raconter n'importe quoi! (colloq)
I'll get you (colloq) for that — je vais te le faire payer (colloq)
he's got it bad — (colloq) il est vraiment mordu
to get it together — (colloq) se ressaisir
to get with it — (colloq) se mettre dans le coup (colloq)
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